Astrology, AI and a New Way to Look at Science

Astrology has been historically regarded as fake science Quite rightly so, astrology breaks the fundamental pillar of logic:- Correlation doesn’t imply causation. Just because mars was in retrograde motion when your flight was delayed; Doesn’t imply mars causes flight delay. But you need to understand what astrology truly started with….rather than trying to see it […]

Why Should I be Myself

Though not advisable, I spent unnatural amount of time, thinking abt capitalism VS communism; about the final stage of AI; what makes startups boom; what kind of personality shud I have! I think today, I found the connection b/w all of em! The answer lies in how GPTs are trained and their superpowers or the […]

Why do I Fast in Ramadan?

I have been thinking super deeply upon the WHY of Ramadan. Why was it brought in?! So I thought!Not to sound super cringey….BUT I believe that, ALL religions were made to solve a simple problem:- How can we make the world a better place? It so happens that Islam hypotheized that by removing the 7 deadly sins:- lust, […]

Why do I not know who ruled Britain?

The fact that from 1600 to 1900s, the world was ruled by British, but I can’t name a single king/queen or head of state of them astounds me! Whereas on the other hand, I remember Indian kings, Roman Emperors and Greek leaders super easily The answer I think is counter-intuitive. The reason I don’t remember […]

Just give a Damn!

It was end-december when Fifa World Cup’22 streamed live all over the world. And something changed in me when I watched that. We live our lives in a humdrum and a slightness of complacency. But those men out there on the field, each second each minute they lived as if their lives depended on it. […]

The Future

I am writing this in the year 2023. Its spectacular that 2050 is as close to us as 1996. I am writing this on a device 10000x more powerful than the computers which sent men to moon, while I am flying 10s of thousands of feet in the sky going to a vacation we booked […]

The one for the Future

In the past 200 years, humanity has made more progress than all of its millions of years history combined. We have risen per capita incomes, set-up cities, invented planes, rockets, satellites, computers. This has propelled our human race forward to prosperity and happiness. Wars have virtually finished, NASA is going to Moon (again!), India has […]

Why do we Do, What we Do?! The one for Hope

Why do we Do, What we Do?! is a provactive question which has always bugged me…. Why do we humans behave the way we do?! What motivates us? What inspires us? I think a answer to this question will lead to everything:- Think about it, if you know why we do what we do:- You […]

Bulls & Bears Part 3 || Are Startups Bulls?

Going a bit deeper on Bulls and Bears this time. How to know whether an organization is Bull or Bear? Simple, if the organization is creating something:- Which they think people NEED:- Bear Which people WANT:- Bull Reason is straightforward:- If people don’t want something then they would have to be forced to do it. […]

Bulls & Bears 2 || How does it help YOU

This simple mental model would help you in answering:- Which people to work with? Which organisations to join? Which political systems to believe in? What type of products to create? What type of policies to vote for? How? First of all, I don’t assert whether bulls are better or bears. This debate is as long […]