In the past 200 years, humanity has made more progress than all of its millions of years history combined.

We have risen per capita incomes, set-up cities, invented planes, rockets, satellites, computers.

This has propelled our human race forward to prosperity and happiness. Wars have virtually finished, NASA is going to Moon (again!), India has reached Mars, China has built their own Space Station.

Covid has hit us but Pfizer brought in a vaccine and the world’s governments zoomed in and vaccinated the world.

With these amazing developments, you might assume that the world will be brimming with optimism, investing deeply into math, science and technology. And dreaming of a future where more capabilities of mankind will be unleashed.

However, that’s hardly true. The world seems to get more and more pessimistic by day. We seem to solve every problem that comes our way. Yet people believe the world can’t really get better.

Its as if everyone believes we have reached the peaks of human civilization and can now just optimize and distribute fairly the resources we have collected.

But, this is deeply incorrect. We are just getting started, our greatest accomplishments are not behind us. JWST pics are showing us of an entire universe whose unknowns far outpace our collective knowledge. 

Infinite discoveries and inventions are just waiting on the cusp of being discovered and unleashed.

Helion a barely-decade old startup, can build a star on Earth. They’ll take Deuterium present in sea-water fuse it with Helium-3 and generate more energy from a glass of water than 11 barrels of oil

With infinite energy we can decarbonize the atmosphere, desalinate the oceans and create prosperity unseen before!

Soon, we can bring in Hyperloop which will remove the idea of living and travelling in 1 city, you can just beam from NY to SFC in few hour commute.

All these might look-like fairy tales. But think back to the e^x graph of human progress. A little more than hundred years ago, air-travel was impossible, now we are going to the moon, medicines were non-existent now we built a vaccine which saved the world from Covid.

And now ask yourself, what world will you like to see 100 years from now:- Where we all are stuck in Earth, and rationing energy and resources OR a world where humanity has grown there are a trillion humans living all-across the Solar System harnessing and utilizing energy unlike ever seen before.

I doubt anyone will like to choose the first option…But then why are we choosing it everyday?! Perhaps think of that 🙂

Gradatim Ferociter