This simple mental model would help you in answering:-

Which people to work with?

Which organisations to join?

Which political systems to believe in?

What type of products to create?

What type of policies to vote for?


First of all, I don’t assert whether bulls are better or bears.

This debate is as long lasting as the debate b/w Capitalism and Communism.

What I do know is that:- If you are a Bull you’ll like Bullish people; If you are a Bear you’ll like Bearish people.

Apply that to everything:- Bulls like bullish orgs, bullish policies etc.

So how to know what you are?

Ask a simple question to yourself:- What happens when things don’t happen exactly as you planned?

If it annoys you a lot and you blame the people who didn’t behave the way you wanted them to, there is a Bear; If it doesn’t and you iterate to understand what was wrong in your plan, there is a Bull.

Consider for example School teachers, when kids don’t study and make a lot of noise. They blame the kids, say they have got the worst section, and even punish them.

Consider Unacademy, when people don’t study there, skip past the videos stuff like that. They iterate and try to understand what is wrong in their Platform.

Consider Govt policies:- When govt introduces a rule that farmers have to use drip irrigation and farmers don’t do that; They impose fines, regulations and ensure people do that.

When agri-tech startups products are not used, they try to reevaluate whether their product was actually solving a problem of the farmer or not.


Now with this simple framework you could find out if you, your friend or your organization is a bull or not.

The results would be pretty simple:- If you are a bull, you would hate school, would be against Govt regulations, would love to hang out with people who don’t conform to social rules.


An important point I would like you to note:- Bulls are not necessarily better than Bears.

Bears have a way better control than Bulls. They might have better discipline, could make employees do exactly what they have to and might be great bureaucrats.