It was end-december when Fifa World Cup’22 streamed live all over the world. And something changed in me when I watched that. We live our lives in a humdrum and a slightness of complacency. But those men out there on the field, each second each minute they lived as if their lives depended on it.

Argentinians were aggressive, defending with all their might the lead they had gained. You could see Di Maria crying after putting a ball in the net. In the end, we the viewers being the mere mortals had started to get complacent, eh! argentina will win there’s no changing the fact.

But those Frenchmen, they had other plans. Mbappe was ferocious his whole soul wanted to win. He went in within 97 seconds scored 2 goals and brought France back IN!

The world had gone wild, but what brought tears to my eyes was seeing Emmanuel Macron. 

That guy, That MAN! he was sitting amongst the ‘don’t give a fuck’ crowd of dignitaries, but damn! when the goals were scored he jumped out! punched the air, his eyes showed PURE desire to win!

It was beautiful, the prettiest sight I had seen.

It reminds me how necessary it is to Just Give A Damn! To try, to try extremely extremely hard with all your soul and all the might that God has given you. And that there is no real other way to live life.

It brings me back to our daily life where in the name of maturity, we live as if we don’t care whether we lose. 

But we should! We really should,so do this…if the code doesn’t compile stare at the screen in absolute horror, if u aced the day, look up at the stars and smile as if u own em!

Give a damn! give a damn about the girl you dating, fall in absolute love with which she smiles the way her hair reflects moonlight. don’t ‘get’ into relationships, fall madly in love as if she is the only one on this planet earth who matters. Falling in love and surrendering to yourself to another one is the biggest risk you’ll ever take. But, take it.

Your heart will get broken, but u will at the end, look back at her and say out aloud “It was a priviliedge to have my heart broken by you”

And I don’t see any other way to live life man! To deeply care about the work you are doing, to make it ur life. To dream big dreams, take insane risks live boldly, love deeply, cry incessantly.