Going a bit deeper on Bulls and Bears this time.

How to know whether an organization is Bull or Bear?

Simple, if the organization is creating something:-

Which they think people NEED:- Bear

Which people WANT:- Bull

Reason is straightforward:- If people don’t want something then they would have to be forced to do it.

This forcefulness could come through Govt regulations, school class periods etc.

If you bring the forcefulness, axiomatically you make it a Bearish organization.

Think deeply, and you’ll realise why startups HAVE to be Bulls.

Because with limited resources and powers you can’t force someone to do anything. So you have to exactly creating something which people WANT.

Taking it forward any organization/group have to be BULLS if they have very low resources and a large goal.

BUT, what if the organization has a aim which is inherently bearish then how could they be Bull. Take for example, environmentalism if their entire premise is slowing down progress which is a bearish act, how could their small acts work?

Then in that case you might have heard these statements:- “Each One of us can’t change the world, but all of us can”

So basically they understand that their small organization cannot grow quickly and perhaps their efforts need to be either on amalgamating with a large group of people so as to make it Big, or to be happy bringing a small change not knowing its impact on the large scale of things.