Bulls & Bears: The Story of Humans

I assert that there are 2 types of humans:- Bulls and Bears Bulls:- Want to grow Bears:- Want to control. And we need both of them. ————X———— For Bulls the aspect of stopping someone else does not even exist, they would much rather create something different on their own. For Bears others need to be […]

The Finite & Infinite Worlds

You don’t need to be a historian to know, 18th Century was pretty shitty. Engligh, Dutch, French were pillaging lands after lands taking away their wealth and storing it in their European Capitals. This practice was called mercantilism. Fastforward to today:- We are pretty fine:- The territories they once pillaged are now happily trading with […]

Power of Compounding!

Power of Compounding is the 8th wonder of the world I have been thoroughly fascinated by the power of compounding, how universal it is and how it can be harnessed. There are clear evidences for this power at every sector; Just plot the following on a time-scale and you’ll always see an exponential graph:-1) FB’s […]